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blocking state造句

"blocking state"是什么意思  
  • Ports transition from the blocking state to the listening state
  • The blocking state of a port is renamed as the discarding state
  • In this case , i passed in a block stating the following
  • The path that is not the least cost path to the root bridge returns to the blocking state
  • A switched internetwork has converged when all the switch and bridge ports are in either the forwarding or blocking state
  • If a process is waiting for an event , i . e . , the process lacks one of the necessary resources for processing , it is in the blocked state
  • This allows the gate to regain control in order to turn the device on at some controllable time after it has again entered the forward blocking state
    这样,当晶闸管重新处于正向阻断状态(器件处于可控时间) ,使得门极变得可控。
  • The thyristor can be trigged into the on - state by applying a pulse of positive gate current for a short duration provided that the device is in its forward blocking state
  • The spanning - tree protocol requires network devices to exchange messages to detect bridging loops . links that will cause a loop are put into a blocking state
  • During the research of the novel high - voltage soi lateral structure , we established its blocking theory based on poisson equation , which classifies its blocking mechanism by describing the potential distribution in the drift region very well when the device is in the blocking state
  • It's difficult to see blocking state in a sentence. 用blocking state造句挺难的
  • In view of the very small leakage currents in the blocking state ( reverse bias ) and the small voltage in the conducting state ( forward bias ) as compared to the operating voltage and currents of the circuit in which the diode is used , the i - v characteristics for the diode can be idealized
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